Goldthorpe, J. H. (2000). On Sociology: Numbers, narratives, and the integration of research and theory. Hedström, P.; Swedberg, R. (1998). Social Mechanisms: An analytical approach to social theory


  • Sandra González Bailón


Reseña de la obra de J. H. Goldthorpe aparecida en 2000, On Sociology: Numbers, narratives, and the integration of research and theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reseña de la obra de P. Hedström y R. Swedberg aparecida en 1998, Social Mechanisms: An analytical approach to social theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Cómo citar

González Bailón, S. (2006). Goldthorpe, J. H. (2000). On Sociology: Numbers, narratives, and the integration of research and theory. Hedström, P.; Swedberg, R. (1998). Social Mechanisms: An analytical approach to social theory. Papers. Revista De Sociologia, 80, 283–286.


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