From the Compensatory Education Programme to the new Plan for Language and Social Cohesion
The Compensatory Education Programme was the emblematic result of the reformist policy adopted in 1983 in the field of education. It was a discourse aimed at correcting social inequalities and producing higher levels of social justice. Nowadays, in the Catalan context, a double change has been considered necessary, given the rapid increment in the immigrant-origin school population and the appearance of new forms of social exclusion. On one hand, this takes the form of adequate educational, social and cultural integration of all students independently of their origins and condition and, on the other, the consolidation of Catalan as a vehicular language in teaching and as an element of social cohesion in a multilingual framework.Keywords
compensatory, ethnic minorities, school, language and social cohesionPublished
How to Cite
Llevot Calvet, N. (2005). From the Compensatory Education Programme to the new Plan for Language and Social Cohesion. Papers. Revista De Sociologia, 78, 197–214.
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Copyright (c) 2005 Núria Llevot Calvet

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