Més enllà de la domesticitat. Una anàlisi de gènere de les feines dels immigrants en el sector informal


  • Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California
  • Emir Estrada Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California
  • Hernan Ramírez Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California


El gènere és una característica constitutiva de les relacions econòmiques i socials. En aquest document s’examina que el gènere està íntimament lligat a l’augment de les ocupacions del sector informal entre els nous immigrants. Ens centrem en tres llocs de treball en el sector informal que s’han institucionalitzat com a ocupacions d’immigrants llatins a Los Angeles, Califòrnia: el treball domèstic remunerat, el manteniment de jardins en zones residencials i la venda ambulant. L’anàlisi de gènere és emprada comunament en els estudis sobre les dones migrants que treballen en el sector domèstic remunerat, considerat durant molt temps un paradigma «natural» d’ocupació femenina. El gènere, però, no es limita a l’esfera de la llar o a l’espai exclusivament considerat de les dones, sinó que és una condició que afecta totes les persones i els diferents sectors de la societat. Nosaltres sostenim que la pròxima etapa de la investigació sobre gènere i migració requerirà ampliar l’anàlisi de gènere a nous escenaris, incloent-hi els homes i els joves en les esferes públiques; per això oferim una anàlisi de les continuïtats i les discontinuïtats del gènere en aquests contextos diversos.

Paraules clau

sector informal, gènere, treballadors immigrants, masculinitats, joventut

Biografies de l'autor/a

Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California

Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Southern California. Her primary research has focused on gender and migration, informal sector work, and religion and the immigrant rights social movement. Most of these studies focus on Mexican and Central American immigrant communities, but she has also researched Muslim American immigrants in the post-9/11 era. She has authored or edited eight books, and she has held research and writing fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation for the Humanities, the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, UCSD’s Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, and the Getty Research Institute. She was given a Mellon Excellence in Mentoring Award for her work with graduate students, and the book Domestica won seven awards, including the Max Weber and the C.Wright Mills book awards.

Emir Estrada, Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California

Emir Loy received a B.A. in Sociology with a minor in Chicano/a Studies from UCLA. Her research interests in immigration and gender are influenced in great part by her own immigration experience. She is studying immigrants from Mexico and Central America who work in the informal sector of unregulated or semi-regulated jobs. More specifically, she is researching the children of these workers, examining their role in the family’s economic survival.

Hernan Ramírez, Professor of Sociology. University of Southern California

Hernan is currently working on his dissertation, which examines socioeconomic mobility among self-employed Mexican immigrant gardeners and their U.S.-born children. He has been interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and National Public Radio, and was recently awarded a Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. His research interests encompass ethnic entrepreneurship, immigration, gender and work, and the informal sector. A native Angeleno and son of a "jardinero," he welcomes questions about residential maintenance gardening, an important occupational niche for Mexican immigrant men in the Los Angeles region and throughout the U.S.




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