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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Author Guidelines have been reviewed and applied
  • The article contains article title, abstract and keywords. Will be send in .rtf format , .odt, .doc or .docx.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in "send your article". Where available, URLs for the references have been provided, And the DOI for those scientific papers which have it.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). Titles should be enumerated in 3 levels, i.e. 1. Introduction, 2.1. XXXX, 3.4.2. XXXXXX.
  • The article complies with the anonymisation guidelines . The last name of any author of those who write the paper should not appear. Using the search tool, it should be replaced by "anonymised". Both the citations and the references of the authors of the article must be completely eliminated (eliminating co-authors, title, book, journal, etc.).
  • The tables and figures will be integrated into the article file in its place (not at the end) and their separate submission is not required in the initial proposal. If the article is accepted, it will be requested independently in editable format. It is also not necessary to send the metadata in a second language in the initial proposal.
  • IMPORTANT: In the "comments for the editor" field, a cover letter must be added following the indications of the "guidelines for authors" (section "send your article" on the main page). Must include:
    * The justification of the relevance of the article (500 words)
    * Conflict of interests with members of the Editorial Board or possible evaluators
    * A list of the authors and their final order, which cannot be modified later. They must also be added in the metadata.
  • The text limit of the articles will be 10000 words in total, including abstract, title, keywords and tables, which cannot be sent as an image. Each graphic will count as 300 words to be subtracted from this total.

Author Guidelines

Anyone who submits a manuscript for publication in Papers. Revista de Sociologia must previously verify that the text to be sent conforms strictly to the following norms:

  1. Manuscripts should be written in Catalan, Spanish or English.

  2. Papers. Revista de Sociologia accepts three types of submissions:

    • Articles: Submissions must be original and fully developed theoretical or empirical papers.
    • Monographic issues (subject to acceptance by the Editorial Team): Submissions must consist of a set of articles focusing on a topic of special interest to the social sciences and will be presented in an annual call for papers.

  3. Manuscripts should be sent in Reach Text Format (rtf), OpenOffice Writer (odt) or Microsoft Word (doc) format through the journal’s website. The journal will not accept manuscripts sent by any other method or in any other format, and will not maintain correspondence about them.

  4. All non-textual elements (tables, figures, maps, graphs, ilustrations, etc.) should appear in the corresponding place in the text; they should also be delivered separately in OpenOffice Calc (ods) or Microsoft Excel (xls) for editable graphs, and in jpeg or tif (300 ppp) for maps, ilustrations or images. They will be numbered and entitled; its source should be specified below them, and there should be an explicit mention of each one in the main text.

  5. Manuscripts submitted for review cannot be under consideration for publication elsewhere and cannot have been published by another journal while in the review process at Papers. Revista de Sociologia. Exceptionally, and for reasons of scientific interest and/or dissemination of particularly notable contributions, the Editorial Team may decide to publish and/or translate a text that has already been published elsewhere.

  6. In step 1 of the submission process, in the “Comments for the Editor” field, include a cover letter of a maximum of 500 words clearly indicating the main topic and specific contribution of the article, as well as a justification of the article’s relevance for the journal. Please indicate in the cover letter if there is any member of the Editorial Board or other members of the academic community with whom there may be a conflict of interest and would therefore not be suitable to review your article. Send the cover letter by pasting it directly in the “Comments for the Editor" box, not as an attachment. Include a list of the authors in the final order in which they appear in the manuscript.
    Finally, authors can recommend 2 possible reviewers, pointing out name and institution.

  7. In step 2.1. upload the file with the fully anonymized article, following the instructions in (remember to eliminate all author data in the file properties, see point 9) by selecting “Article text” in the drop-down menu. In 2.2. (“Metadata”) change the file name so that it remains anonymous. All tables and figures should be embedded in the main body of the text where appropriate (not at the end of the text) and do not need to be sent separately in the initial submission. If the article is accepted, you will be asked to send the tables and figures separately in an editable format. Metadata in a second language does not need to be sent in the initial submission.
    Simple tables should be embedded in the main body of the text as an editable Word/LibreOffice table and not as images. Tables do not need to be submitted as a separate attachment.

  8. In step 3 you must complete the metadata in the platform (title, abstract, keywords) and include all authors using the “Add contributor” tab. New authors cannot be included nor can the order in which the authors appear be changed after the initial submission.

    The following information should also be provided for each author:

    • Institutional affiliation (university or institution, department or unit, city, and country).
    • Email address for correspondence. For articles with multiple authors, the corresponding author should be specified by checking the box “Main contact for editorial correspondence”.
    • A brief biographical statement (maximum 60 words) specifying the highest degree held and the institution granting the degree, current position, and main lines of research. Revista de Sociologia may publish this biographical statement to complement the information in the articles.
    • ORCID ID if available. Revista de Sociología, recommends that authors register at to obtain an ORCID ID number.
    Please include the title, an abstract of no more than 250 words (which clearly and concisely states the objectives, methodology, main results, and conclusions of the article), and a maximum of 10 keywords (the keywords should not be included in the title and should be internationally accepted terms in the scientific-social disciplines and/or common bibliometric classifications). The title, abstract, and keywords should also appear at the beginning of the anonymous article. At this stage of the process, it is not necessary to translate them, but if the article is accepted for publication, we will request that the text be translated. If the text is in Catalan or Spanish, it should be translated into English, and if it is in English it should be translated into Spanish (if the author cannot provide a translation, the Editorial Team will do the translation).

  9. Submitted articles should be anonymized, rigorously following the instructions at The file properties must be blank. To do this in Word, see the instructions in the video from second 00:27. The editorial staff of Papers. Revista de Sociologia will make sure that the texts comply with this condition, and in the event they do not, you will be requested to resubmit the article with these corrections, which may delay the review process. If the article is accepted for publication, the journal will request a non-anonymized version along with translations of the metadata and other data that will be communicated in due course.
    If a submission is accepted for publication, all metadata in English (or a second language) and editable graphics will be requested separately in a zip file. Proofs should be revised by the author(s) within two weeks.

  10. Research ethics

    Papers. Revista de Sociologia adheres to the regulations on scientific ethics stipulated by the UAB Code of Good Research Practices (Agreement of the Governing Council of September 30, 2020), which has been prepared and reviewed by the Ethics Commission in Animal and Human Experimentation (CEEAH) of the UAB.

    Informed consent, and ethics committee approval

    In those cases in which this applies, the authors of investigations that imply experimentation with humans and/or the collection of personal data must specify the use of informed consent to carry out the investigation whose data is reported, and the mechanisms followed to ensure data protection (anonymization / pseudonymization). This information can be reported in a subsection within the Methods / Ethical evaluation of the research section.

  11. The text limit of the papers will be 10000 words in total, including abstract, title, keywords, references and tables, which cannot be sent as an image. Each graphic will count as 300 words to be subtracted from this total.

  12. The text format should conform to the following rules:
    • Font type and size: Times New Roman 12.
    • Text should be justified and 1,5 spaced, except footnotes.
    • Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and situated at the bottom of the corresponding page, not at the end of the manuscript. It is strongly recommended to reduce their number as much as possible and to use them for clarifying and explanatory purposes, not for bibliographical reference.
    • Pages should be numbered at the bottom starting from number1, and beginning with the page where the abstract is (the coversheet with the information about the author/s should not be numbered).
    • Sections of the manuscript should be numbered and entitled in small letters and bold.

  13. In-text citations should respect the following rules:
    • Citations should appear in the main text; the use of footnotes only for bibliographic reference should be avoided.
    • Citations should be bracketed, including author’s surname, year of publication, and the page or pages quoted; for example, (Boudon, 2004:73).
    • When an author has two different works published the same year, they will be distinguished with small letters after the year; for example, (Boudon, 2004a:73).
    • When the authors are two, the citation will include their surnames joint by “and”: (Bowles and Gintis, 2005); when the authors are more than two, it will be enough to cite the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” (Bowles et al., 2005), though the complete reference in the bibliographical list may include all the authors’ names.
    • Literal quotations should be in inverted commas and followed by the corresponding citation within brackets; this citation must include necessarily the pages quoted. When literal quotations excede from four lines, they will be separated from the main text, without inverted commas, with bigger indentation and smaller font size.

  14. The complete list of bibliographical references will be placed at the end of the manuscript, under the heading “Bibliographical references”. The reference list will respect the following rules:
    • All the works quoted in the text should be referenced in the list, and the list will only include those works quoted in the text.
    • All references with an available DOI (Digital Object Identifier) will include it at the end.
    • The order should be alphabetical by the authors’ surname. When several references have the same author, they should be ordered chronologically by year. The references of an author alone should be listed in the first place, then the works compilated or edited by that author, and, finally, co-authored works.
    • The format of the references should respect the following rules:
      • Boudon, Raymond (2004). The Poverty of Relativism. Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
      • Ryan, Alan (ed.) (1973). The Philosophy of SocialExplanation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
      • King, Gary; Keohane, Robert O. and Verba, Sidney (1994). Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference inQualitative Research. Princeton (N.J.): Princeton University Press.
      • Ostrom, Elinor (2005). "Policies that Crowd out Reciprocity and Collective Action". In: Gintis, Herbert; Bowles, Samuel; Boyd, Richard and Fehr, Ernst (eds.). Moral Sentiments and Material Interests. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press.
      • Granovetter, Mark (1973). "The Strenght of Weak Ties". American Journal of Sociology, 78 (6), 1360–1380.
      • Weber, Max (1922). Economía y sociedad. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1964.
    • Books: author’s surname in capital letters, author’s name, year of publication between brackets, title in italics, city of publication, and publisher; for example
      • Boudon, Raymond (2004). The Poverty of Relativism. Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
      • Ryan, Alan (ed.) (1973). The Philosophy of Social Explanation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
      • King, Gary; Keohane, Robert O. y Verba, Sidney (1994). Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press.
    • Book chapters: author’s surname in capital letters, author’s name, year of publication between brackets, title of the chapter in inverted commas, “In:”, name of the author of the book, title of the book in italics, city of publication, and publisher; for example:
      • King, Gary; Keohane, Robert O. y Verba, Sidney (1994). Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press.
    • Journal’s articles: author’s surname in capital letters,author’s name, year of publication between brackets, title ofthe article in inverted commas, journal’s name in italics, volume, issue or number between brackets, and pages (initial and final); for example:
      • Granovetter, Mark (1973). «The Strenght of Weak Ties». American Journal of Sociology, 78 (6), 1360–1380.
    • Original editions: when the year of the original edition is different from that of the quoted one, the in-text citation will reference the original edition year, and the year of the quoted edition will be included at the end of the complete reference. For example:
      • Weber, Max (1922). Economía y sociedad. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1964.
    • Online documents: After the title, the expression online is written between square brackets and in round brackets, and at the end of the reference the Internet address is given between the signs < > and the date of consultation (Consultation: day month year) is given between square brackets. Example:


        Boudon, Raymond (2004). The Poverty of Relativism [online] Oxford: The Bardwell Press. <http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [Accessed: 8 May 2023].

    • Publications in dual format: The paper reference is written first, followed by the expression Also available online at: in round brackets, and then the internet address between the < > signs. Then the date of consultation (Consultation: day month year) in square brackets. Example:

      • Ryan, Alan (ed.) (1973). The Philosophy of Social Explanation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Also available online at: <http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [Accessed: 8 May 2023].

    • Newspaper articles on paper: Surname, initials (date). Title of article. Title of newspaper in italics, p. #. Example:


        Amela, V. M.; Sanchís I. i Amiguet, Ll.. (6 April 2015). "Music builds bridges, opera unites cultures". La Vanguardia, p. 24.

    • Electronic newspaper articles with author: Surname, initials (date). "Title of article. Journal title in italics. Retrieved from: <http://xxxxx>. Example:


        Culla i Clarà, J. B. (15 May 2023). "Coronacions i anacronismes". Ara. Retrieved from: <>.

    • Electronic newspaper articles if there is no author: "Title of article" (date). Journal title in italics, p. #. Example:


        «La OMS desaconseja tomar edulcorantes como la sacarina o la estevia para controlar el peso» (15 mayo 2023). El País, p. 24.


        ("title of article", year).

        The first time the title is quoted, it is written in full:

        («La OMS desaconseja tomar edulcorantes como la sacarina o la estevia para controlar el peso», 2015).

        Subsequent times it is abbreviated if it is too long:

        («La OMS desaconseja tomar edulcorantes», 2015).

  •  All references should be French indented.



  1. Papers. Revista de Sociologia publishes academic works which present rigorous empirical or theoretical research in the fields of sociology and the social sciences.
  2. Formatting, spelling or grammar mistakes, as well as non compliance with the journal’s rules and guidelines, may result in the rejection of a manuscript before starting an evaluation process.
  3. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed in a double-blind way. All the works sent to Papers. Revista de Sociologia will be refereed according to standards of strict scientific quality.
  4. On receipt of a manuscript which complies with all the journal’s formal requirements and rules, a receipt acknowledgement message will be sent to the author/s and the evaluation process will start.
  5. In a first stage, the Editorial Team will revise the general quality and thematic adequacy of the manuscript; manuscripts whose quality is notoriously low or which do not make any contribution to the journal’s scientific fields may be directly rejected without external refereeing. For this first review, the Editorial Team may require assessment by the members of the Editorial Board or the Advisory Board.
  6. Manuscripts which pass the first review will be sent to two external referees, who will be experts in the pertinent field or research area. In case of discrepancy between the referees, or if considered necessary by any other reason, the Editorial Team may send the manuscript to a third referee.
  7. In the light of the referees’ reports, the Editorial Team may adopt one of the following decisions about the manuscript, which will be communicated to its author/s:
  • Publication (as it is or with very minor changes).
  • Publication after revision. In this case, publication will depend on the introduction by the author/s of all the changes and revisions required by the Editorial Team. The revised version should be sent to the journal in one month, and the author/s willattach a brief cover letter explaining how the changes satisfy the requirements of the Editorial Team. The journal may propose, as one of these changes, the conversion of a manuscript submitted as an article into a research note or a literature review, or viceversa.
  • Rejection.
  1. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, the proofs should be read (and, if necessary, corrected) by the author/s within two weeks since their reception.
  2. Papers. Revista de Sociologia will publish each year the list of all referees, as well as the aggregated data about accepted, revised and rejected manuscripts, and the average time between receipt of a manuscript and communication of the final decision to its author/s.
  3. Papers. Revista de Sociologia may publicize, once they are verified, the following bad scientific practices: plagiarism, data falsification or fabrication, misappropriation of authorship, and double publication

Pay-what-you-want system

Papers. Revista de Sociologia works on a pay-what-you-want basis. Once an article is accepted for publication, the authors can contribute to the viability of the journal by totally or partially financing the publication costs of their article if they wish to do so. In the event that the authors are unable to meet these costs (or do not wish to do so for any reason), Papers, as a journal committed to the principles of Open Science, will cover them.

In no case is the payment of publication costs a condition for acceptance of a manuscript; a decision that is based solely on criteria of quality. Therefore, we will not ask if you wish to cover these costs until the final editorial decision has been made.


They are original and developed theoretical or empirical research works.

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