Concluding reflections: ‘Care circulation’ in an increasingly mobile world: Further thoughts


  • Laura Merla Cirfase, Université Catholique de Louvain
  • Loretta Baldassar The University of Western Australia


In this paper, Laura Merla and Loretta Baldassar address some of the key critiques that were formulated in this symposium on the ‘care circulation” perspective these two authors offered in their edited volume entitled “Transnational Families, Migration and the Circulation of Care”. Here, they focus in particular on three themes: care as social capital, the need to bring back ‘the political’, and the (dis)-embodiment of care practices. They highlight in particular that ‘care chains’ and ‘care circulation’ should not be seen as opposite, but rather as complementary perspectives.


gender, care, social capital, transnational families, social reproduction, body, ICT




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