Residential Mobility and the Social Recomposition of Urban Space in the Municipality of Madrid



Explicitly or implicitly, the relevance of mobility has been declared essential in studies on the social composition of urban space and the transformations associated with it. This article proposes an interpretive, urban sociology framework to analyse the effect of residential mobility in the transformation of the social composition of urban space at neighbourhood scale in the municipality of Madrid for the time periods 2000–2007 and 2008–2013. The results show that the effects of mobility are neither simple nor direct, thus making it necessary to address the changes produced in the main social agents, their residential practices and their relationship with urban space. The analysis shows a change in the effects of mobility between the two periods and the coexistence of different processes related to mobility, thus revealing their potential as an analytical and interpretive element of urban transformation processes of a more general nature.


residential location, urban transformation, neighbourhoods, social position, socio-spatial practices


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