Educational pathways of young men and women. A sequence analysis approach
This article defines a typology of youth educational trajectories to ascertain which factors determine the educational pathways and the extent of significant gender inequalities. With the Survey of Youth of Catalonia 2012 data, and using sequence and cluster analyses, we find three distinct categories («willful», «successful» and «deserter») which determine the shape and the role of socio-demographic factors. The reductive effect of being a woman on the probability to belong on a trajectory with a high level of early school dropout occurs to a greater extent in the native population, while the effect of gender in immigrants is lower. Women are positively influenced more than men by higher educational levels of their parents. We find a high level of parental support is the greatest guarantor of continuity in studies of young people than the support given by teachers or tutors.Keywords
Educational trajectories, youth, gender, sequence analysis, cluster analysisReferences
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