Identity transformations among Spanish female athletes: Training, food and corporality


  • José Manuel Parrilla Fernández Universidad de Oviedo
  • Sandra Sánchez Sánchez Universidad de Oviedo


This study analyzes sport, food and body practices among elite female athletes in Spain from the 1940s to the early 2000s. The main aim is, firstly, to show how the interrelation of these practices has developed and, secondly, to examine the socio-historic process of female athletes’ body constructions. A qualitative methodology consisting of semi-structured, open-ended interviews was used. The sample was designed taking into account two features of the respondents: 1) a chronological feature in which the sample was divided into four competitive sport periods and 2) a competitive sport feature in which female athletes who have participated in national or international sports competitions were interviewed. The main results reveal the interrelationship between sport, food and body practices. The results also indicate that sport and food practices have become main drivers of the construction of the body aimed towards higher performance in sports.


female athletes, physical training, food, body, identity, body techniques


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Author Biographies

José Manuel Parrilla Fernández, Universidad de Oviedo

Doctor en Sociología (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca), actualmente profesor contratado doctor adscrito al Departamento de Sociología y vicedecano de la Facultad de Comercio, Turismo y Ciencias Sociales Jovellanos. Actividad investigadora en políticas de bienestar, sociología del deporte y como miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Sociología de la Alimentación. Investigador del Proyecto “Mujeres, Deporte y Dictadura (1939-1975)” del Programa I+D+I 2013-2016.

Sandra Sánchez Sánchez, Universidad de Oviedo

Licenciada en Filosofía por la Universidad de Oviedo y máster en Historia y Análisis Sociocultural por la misma universidad. Actualmente, estudiante de doctorado en el Programa de Doctorado en Economía y Sociología de la Globalización con una beca de Formación del Profesorado Universitario del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (2012), miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Sociología de la Alimentación.




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