Adolescent romance: A sociological analysis of the politics of young people’s sexuality and relationships


  • Mar Venegas Granada University


The sociological study of adolescent romance began with cultural studies in the 1970s. However, it was not a consolidated line of research until the 1990s, when love and sexuality became a topic of interest for the study of adolescent romance in the field of sociology. This article investigates adolescent romance in the framework of these theoretical contributions, which define it as a social and cultural space consisting of the following dimensions: the culture of class, gender and ethnicity, friendship groups, sexual attraction, sexual practices, and affective practices and couple formation. Within this framework, the objective of this paper is to analyse the dimensions that define adolescent romance in order to identify the models of masculinity and femininity present in it. Based on this analysis, the type of relationship established in terms of power and (in)equality is studied. The data were drawn from two case studies carried out in the city of Granada (Andalusia, Spain). The data show the tendency of boys toward hegemonic or virile masculinity, while girls tend to embrace romantic love. Drawing on this analysis, the paper concludes that a gendered double standard persists where masculinity and femininity are complementary in adolescent romance following a patriarchal logic that hinders the formation of democratic, egalitarian relationships based on mutual respect.


adolescent romance, gender, love, sexuality, adolescence


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Author Biography

Mar Venegas, Granada University

Sociology Departament
Profesora Contratada Doctora Interina



How to Cite

Venegas, M. (2018). Adolescent romance: A sociological analysis of the politics of young people’s sexuality and relationships. Papers. Revista De Sociologia, 103(2), 255–279.


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