Domestic and care work in dual-earner couples: Comparative analysis of Spain, Argentina and Chile
This article analyses the unpaid household work gender gap in Spain, Argentina and Chile. Specifically, this study explores the distribution of domestic and care work among household members and examines in depth the relevant factors of women’s and men’s participation in this work. Employing time use surveys (Spanish EET-2010, Argentinian TRN-2013 and Chilean ENUT-2015), a regression model is estimated for a sample of dual-income couples. Additionally, the study analyses the macrosocial factors that affect the gender gap. The results show that women perform 70% of domestic and care work and confirm the weakness of the variables related to relative resources, thus suggesting the need to incorporate the gender role perspective and structural, institutional, and cultural factors in explaining gender gaps in unpaid work. The relevance of women’s time availability and income contribution points to the importance of actions aimed at promoting the economic independence of women and strengthening legal frameworks that protect equal pay conditions for women. These elements are key to explaining men’s and women’s decisions on how to distribute their time between paid and unpaid work in Spain, Argentina and Chile.Keywords
unpaid domestic work, time use, gender, comparative analysisReferences
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