The 14F on Instagram. A proposal for articulation of web scraping and network analysis techniques



In this article we analyse the election campaign of 14 February 2021 in the Catalan Parliament through the parties’ conversation on Instagram: one of the digital platforms with the most registered users and one of the least attended in sociological research on social media. We have applied a few ethical and legal web scraping techniques to acquire the data, which have been retrieved, processed and stored in a relational database. Subsequently, we have applied data mining techniques and unsupervised learning algorithms oriented, on the one hand, towards the descriptive and exploratory analysis of the conversation, and on the other, towards the elaboration of networks of lexical co-occurrences that allow us to apply an analysis on the discourse articulated by the parties. Using an inductive and structural methodology, we have characterised various aspects of the narrative constructed by the Catalan parties in the electoral campaign: aspects relating to their content publication practices, the reception of their audiences and the different uses of hashtags and words they have made. Beyond the specific case of analysis and the characterisation of the parties’ narratives during the 14F political campaign and their internal differences, with this article we also aim to put on the table a model of analysis based on big data analysis techniques applicable and replicable in any data scenario acquired through ethical and legal web scraping techniques that guarantee the research autonomy of social scientists.


social network analysis, Instagram, web scraping, big data


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