Introduction: The current state of social research methodology in Spain
This article introduces the papers published in the monographic issue dedicated to the current state of methodology in social research in Spain. It gives a brief presentation of each of the papers, which have been chosen to offer the widest possible overview, both in relation to their subject matter and in their methodological orientation and the research experience of the authors. It is notable that the articles presented show a special concern for methodological rigour and innovation, which connects them with the main concerns in current international methodological thought. In addition, the educational aim of all of them is emphasised, in that they offer recommendations of a practical nature, rather than mere abstract discourses and research without purpose.
methodological design, data collection, data analysis, quantitative methods, qualitative methods, mixed methods, longitudinal perspective, SpainReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Vidal Díaz de Rada, Joan Miquel Verd
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