Response effects in interviewer-administered surveys: Differences between visual and oral modes of survey application
This paper discusses the complacency and satisficing effect in surveys conducted in Spain, specifically analysing the more frequent selection of the first response options when the respondent has visual information, and a bias towards the last response options when the information is transmitted orally. In addition, it examines whether these effects are similar in the questions with (fully-labelled) vertical response choices and in those displayed on a horizontal scale (labelled at the ends). Using a face-to-face survey that employed show cards, a comparison was made between the answers of respondents who used show cards and the answers of respondents who did not use these cards.
The analysis of results revealed the presence of primacy and recency effects in attitu- dinal questions. These effects were found to be much stronger in questions with vertical response choices than in those presented horizontally. While the cards included an «I don’t remember / I don’t know, I can’t say» response choice at the end, this was not the most frequently chosen by those who responded using cards. In fact, there was a greater number of «I don’t know» answers among the respondents who did not use show cards. There were very minor response changes according to the type of question used, specifically considering multiple choice questions and rating scale batteries. The subject of the research, which is a complex concept that ha received little attention in Spanish society, could explain the
effects found in the study.
acquiescence, response effects, face-to-face survey, battery questions, response cardReferences
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