Partially shared, yes, but still unequal. Very little progress in the gender distribution of domestic tasks in Navarre.



This paper explores the distribution of domestic work between men and women, providing new empirical evidences from the case of Navarre. The analysis focuses on the gender differences in the distribution of domestic work among people over 18 years old who live in heterosexual couples. Specifically it observes the existing inequalities in the distribution of household chores and gender differences in levels of satisfaction with this system. Using data from regional barometer, data show a more equal distribution of household work in Navarre compared with overall national data. Despite this difference, there are clearly different perceptions between men and women regarding their contribution, with the greatest dissatisfaction being observed among women who live in four-people households. The results contribute to support the urgency of having up-to-date information at the national level to increase awareness regarding the advances —or lack of them— happened in Spain over the last decade.


househowork division, housework satisfaction, gender, use of time, perceived equity


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