Climate change and doxic uncertainties: Between denialism and activism
Climate change (CC) is an established fact that is demonstrated and communicated by the scientific community. The views of experts are subjected to various transformations by other social agents. This paper addresses how the general public (non-scientists) conceives their characteristic uncertainties, as shown by data from a recent study carried out in Spain. We call these uncertainties doxic to differentiate them from the epistemic uncertainties of the experts. We analyse some of the features of these uncertainties and the way they are addressed and diminished in the prevailing non-scientific discourse which puts its trust in expert knowledge. Sceptical and denialist perspectives are also explored, and are contrasted with the resolutely affirmative approaches of groups of young activists. To interpret them, the justifications and temporalizations that make them possible are considered.
climate change, doxic and epistemic uncertainty, climate scepticism, climate denialism, climate activism, climate futuresReferences
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ramón Ramos Torre, Javier Callejo Gallego
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