Recent transformations of Cuban class structure


  • Mayra Paula Espina Prieto


One of the basic elements of a specific society is ther social structure, that is, segmentation and differentiation by classes, groups and their relations with the social reproduction process. Cuban revolution meant a radical change of the national class composition the old social structure linked to the dependent and peripheral capitalism was quickly substituted by socialist transition in colsich high levels of social equality and integration were able. The article clearly examines the transition social structure, its strong and weak elements and shows some key problems emerging from 1990 economic crisis. It tries to demonstrate that the crisis and its solution has devoeloped into a new steps of the social structural reproduction. This has been basically associated with the existence of a new model of the property system organization of the means of production. The role of the state has accordingly changed and has influenced the system of social inequalities and the processes of non integration.


Cuban class structure, social inequalities, propiety relations, socialism




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