La articulación de ámbitos sociales a partir de la base temporal


  • Carlos Lozares
  • Pedro López
  • Màrius Domínguez


In an initial level of analysis, one of the objectives of the research project consisted in obtaining a general typologie of the way in which the results obtained in each area, PW (Productive Work), RW (Reproductive Work) and FT (Availability for Free Time) were linked and articulated using quantitative data and indications. After several trials the results and the simplest and most effective procedure were obtained from indicative dimensions of the use of time for each area. Therefore, once the typologies of each area had been constructed, in this article time was taken as a referent or substratum for the constitution of Daily Ways of Life, that is to say, as a criterion for articulating the initial Typologies. The Types of Daily Ways of Life will in turn be the basis for action through interviews in the second and third part of the research. The article shows how time as an instrument and a support for the construction of ways of life becomes a social describer and classifier of groups without the need for direct use of categorial variables: sex, social categories, age, etc. This paper is part of a research work whose results are in this PAPERS volume. The paper is autonomous but the reading of the other papers of this volum can help to contextualize it.


social times, everyday life, social groups




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