Las estructuras de sentido de la vida cotidiana


  • Faustino Miguélez
  • Teresa Torns
  • Oscar Rebollo
  • Inma Pastor


After examining the relations between areas at the level of the objectifiable activities and at the level of representations and attitudes, it seems logical and consequent to take a further step: how do people, located in characteristic positions inside the previous typologies of articulation among environments, build a meaningful or symbolic intentional space by taking these areas and the links between them as a reference of content? How are what we call structures or orientations of meaning formed? That is to say, how is the world of their desires, their aspirations and their projects organised on the basis of the centralities that each environment has according to the time of day and the time of life? Evidently, to obtain information for this objective we had to return to the interviewees and investigate and reconstruct this symbolic world through semi-directed interviews. This paper is part of a research work whose results are in this PAPERS volume. The paper is autonomous but the reading of the other papers of this volum can help to contextualize it.


simbolic orientations, projects and aspirations, time of day, time of life, depth interviews




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