La investigación de los movimientos sociales desde la sociología y la ciencia política. Una propuesta de aproximación teórica


  • Josep Pont Vidal


This article attempts to expound the main problems entailed in the study of social movements from the point of view of sociology and political science. The article has a two-fold objective: on the one hand, it offers a synthesis of the recent theoretical points of view found in sociology and political science regarding the study of social movements. On the other hand, starting out from a catalogue of hypotheses and staded questions, a framework of theoretical synthesis is proposed upon which future investigation can be based. Finally, as an epilogue, there is a brief comparison of the teaching and the investigation of collective action and social movements to be found in Departaments and Faculties of Sociology in a number of countries.


Social movements, associations, Interest groups, political movements, «Protheory », collective action, teaching and investigation of social movement, Policy Networks




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