The Reason for Reproduction


  • Teresa Torns
  • Pilar Carrasquer


The objective of this text is to make a contribution to the debate about why, what and how is the sociological research around one subject (work) and a specific theoretical perspective (social inequalities that surround it). This contribution wants to follow a temporary sequence oriented to show the way the authors have analysed the whole work that exists in our society and all the collectives affected. That means to explain, first of all, the beginning of the reasons implied in the title of these pages, «why about reproduction». After that, to clarify the framework of the theoretical approach to this concept of work and to detail the results of some research done using this perspective. The text point out also some arguments around the difficulties of this point of view. And finally, the authors remember that they only want to participate on a debate that they begun fifteen years before in 1981 at the Primeres Jornades de Sociologia Catalana unless they know that gender perspective would be presented in a more wide vision.




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