Immigration and barbarism. The social and political construction of the immigrant as it threatens


  • Enrique Santamaría


This text analyzes the topic of the nowadays close relation between the international migration and the resurgence of the racist ideas and behaviors. To explore the density of this topic, it leaves from a dynamic and constructivist perspective that, insisting on the complexity of the social phenomenon, do not reduce the racism to a series of discourses of the extreme right nor to the acts of violence, phisics or verbals, against the immigrants; but it leads to a deep social political and cognitive processes where the development and the disemination of a dominant meaning of the migrations takes place, reducing them to a problem or an eminent danger, what makes that the practices and retorics antiimmigrants might be easily comprehensive by the population. In sum, the article enphazises the complex articulation between political, violence and the alterity.


discourse, immigration, national populism, racism




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