Evaluation of the National Plan of University Evaluation and Quality


  • Antonio Trinidad Requena
  • Luis Ayuso Sánchez
  • Diego Gallego Martínez
  • José M. García Moreno


The deep changes that have taken place in the Europeans Universities in the last two decades, have provoked a change of the paradigm of quantity to the one of quality. It means, that many years ago the prioritary aim consisted in making the access of the students to University as big as possible. Once reached this aim, nowadays, the services reddered to society by the University are pursued. One of the tools to achieve this change and transform the university culture, has been the institucionalization of the evaluation, which must be understood as a tool for a continuous improvement. In Spain, this has not happened until 1995, year in which a General Plan for the Evaluation of the University Quality was approved. This plan has been recently concluded. After a few years since its passing, a deep analysis of this plan has been made. To be precise, the plan has been metaeveluated to know which have been its successes and mistakes, and propose different solutions for them.


grounded theory, evaluation, university, inductive evaluation




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