Periurbanization processes and changes in the models of city. An european cases study on their causes and consequences
The processes of growing periurbanization, which are so characteristic in the current developed world, are giving rise to a progressive spread of diffuse or disperse models of city, what, in turn, is bringing with it that the geographic and social borders between the rural and urban ambits are more and more blurred and vague. In this situation, the urban peripheries are undergoing an increasing relevance, at the same time that their image is improving. These peripheries, from being traditionally places of frequent social exclusion and underdevelopment when the centralist models of city were preponderant, are nowadays showing often a significant socio-economic dynamism. The article, apart from analysing the changes and new models of city coming with the current periurbanization processes, attempts to identify some of the causes and consequences of such processes. Causes and consequences that are considered, both, from a general viewpoint and by presenting some of the results of an empirical research carried out in different periurban areas from the European Union. While being fuelled by diverse causes, periurbanization entails similar socio-economic, urban and environmental outcomes in all the analysed areas. So, the author concludes by reflecting on some of the common challenges which the policies have now in order to face suitably such outcomes.Keywords
periurbanization, disperse city, urban pressure, rural-urban bordersPublished
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Copyright (c) 2005 Francisco Entrena Durán
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