Unió Valenciana (1982-2008). An approximation
Unió Valenciana (UV) is the only no state Valencian party that has been represented both in local institutions such as Spanish and Valencian parliaments, during some legislatures, since the restoration of democracy in Spain in 1977. First, we study the social cleavages that they are in the origin of contemporary anticatalan Valencian regionalism and its most important: Unió Valenciana. Later we refer to the history of this political force. Finally, we analyze the importance of UV within the Valencian system of parties, the evolution of its electoral support and its capacity for representation in the different institutions. We conclude is that the birth, evolution and decay of UV as party have been parallel and have depended on the strength of the main Valencian party of the right (AP/PP) in the last twenty-five years.Keywords
political parties, party system, collective identity, regionalism, nationalismPublished
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