The minimum income in France


  • Eguzki Urteaga


After placing the debate on the minimum income in a European context, this article analyses the minimum social assistance program in France. The creation of a minimum income support allowance (or RMI) by the government of Michel Rocard constitutes the culmination of a historical process that transforms the logical categories. The complexity and relative failure of the insertion policies that accompany the RMI have several effects on the outcome of the minimum income. The creation of anactive solidarity income (or RSA) responds to the problems of“inactivity traps”, but it does not put an end to the debate about the architecture of minimum social assistance or the role of income redistribution in the fight against social exclusion and poverty. This debate opens the door for considering instituting a universal basic income.

Key words: social policy; social helps; minimum income; France.


social policy, social helps, minimum income, France

Author Biography

Eguzki Urteaga

Profesor de Sociologia




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