Family, women´s employment and reproduction in Spain: The impact of structural factors


  • Almudena Moreno Mínguez Universidad de Valladolid Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social


The objective of this article is to present comparative trends regarding female employment and fecundity in Europe in relation to family typologies. This study estimates the factors that best explain the decline in the male breadwinner family model in several European countries. Furthermore, the article analyses to what extent certain structural factors transversally explain reduced fecundity in Spain and the probability of women being employed. Aggregate data have been used from various European sources such as the 2006 European Labour Force Survey and the Encuesta de Familia y Empleo 2006 (2006 Family and Employment Survey). Our results suggest that the relationship between education, female employment and fecundity in a context of limited institutional support for parents is a determining factor in Spain. The family model of two breadwinners in Spain was also found to be associated with a reduced number of children and medium to high educational levels in couples. This correlation was less significant in other European countries with institutional contexts that are more favourable to female employment and the reconciliation of work and family life.


family change, fertility, gender, Europe

Author Biography

Almudena Moreno Mínguez, Universidad de Valladolid Departamento de Sociología y Trabajo Social

Doctora en Sociología con Mención Europea por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en 2004 y Profesora Titular de la misma disciplina en la Universidad de Valladolid. Se ha especializado en cuestiones de familia, Estado de bienestar, políticas públicas, juventud y análisis comparados sobre género. Ha sido investigadora visitante en varias universidades europeas y norteamericanas. Ha publicado diversos libros y artículos en diferentes revistas nacionales e internacionales. Ha participado en varios proyectos de I+D nacionales y europeos. Su trabajo de investigación ha sido reconocido a través del Premio Internacional de Jóvenes Sociólogos de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología en 1998, el segundo premio de investigación de la Fundación Acción Familiar en 2004 y el premio extraordinario de Doctorado 2006.




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