Reciprocity and solidarity in intergenerational relationships: Spain, France and Norway in comparative perspective.


  • Constanza Tobío Soler Catedrática de Sociología. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Contrary to the idea that kinship support declines with modernisation, it may be a key resource in the transition from a traditional male breadwinner family to a dual-earner model, either as a substitute of working mothers or as a complement in addition to other resources. Grandparents as carers of their grandchildren go beyond intergenerational reciprocity by giving more than they can expect to receive from other generations. This article presents the case of Spain in comparative perspective with France and Norway, and discusses to what extent grandmothers assuming the traditional mothering role, with the help of grandfathers, can be considered a model for the future or rather a provisional solution for a transitional period.


Kinship, family networks, gender, care, grandparents

Author Biography

Constanza Tobío Soler, Catedrática de Sociología. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Constanza Tobío es Catedrática de Sociología en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid . Ha investigado sobre las familias monoparentales, las estrategias para compatiblizar la vida profesional y laboral, las relaciones intergeneracionales y las políticas de conciliación. Entre sus últimos libros están “Madres que trabajan: Dilemas y estrategias” y “El cuidado de las personas: un reto para el siglo XXI”.




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