Gender, Body and Sexuality: Youth and their Experience and Use of Urban Public Space


  • Maria Rodó-de-Zárate Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Young people’s use and experience of public space is strongly determined by gender. This article seeks to explore how the intersection of age and gender gives rise to specific practices and behaviors that shape youths’ experience in the city. The study is based on a bibliographical revision, starting from the difficult definition of youth and their controversial relation with public space. The analysis centers on the relevance of the visibility of the sexed body in public space and how patriarchy determines both the practices and experiences of these spaces. Using fear on the streets as an example, the article shows how gender, sexuality and also ethnicity condition access to and mobility in urban public spaces. It demonstrates how gender and sexuality are determining factors in young people’s experience of public space and why it is necessary to take into account their changing identities when studying how youth use public space to avoid homogenizing biases.


young people, feminism, urban sociology, gender studies, social investigation

Author Biography

Maria Rodó-de-Zárate, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Llicenciada en Ciències Polítiques i de l’Administració per la UAB (2004-08) i Màster en Estudis de Dones, Gènere i Ciutadania per la UB (2008-10). Actualment realitzant la tesi en el marc del Doctorat de Geografia a la UAB dins el grup de recerca de Geografia i Gènere. Les principals línies d’investigació són el jovent, l’espai públic urbà, la interseccionalitat i la geografia feminista.




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