Feminism and Freedom: Comments on the Texts of Julia Varela and Fernando Álvarez-Uría


  • María Dolores Avia Aranda Universidad Complutense de Madrid


In this paper, I make some critical comments about the contributions of Julia Varela and Fernando Álvarez-Uría in which they emphasize the role of pioneer women in Spanish feminism and the emancipation of women. In my comments to Varela’s paper, I have added some biographical notes on a woman, Mercedes Escribano, who lived at the same time and shared many aspects with the women that she studies. My comments on Álvarez-Uría’s text are based on the differential aspects of men and women in psychological, interpersonal and social functioning; a topic which he widely studies. The consistency among these two proposals is emphasized.


feminist movement, anarchism, empowerment of women, Spain

Author Biography

María Dolores Avia Aranda, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Mª Dolores Avia Aranda es catedrática de Psicología de la Personalidad en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su especialidad es la estructura y dinámica de la personalidad, sobre lo cual ha hecho abundantes publicaciones, así como sobre el tratamiento y conceptualización de problemas de ansiedad.




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