Among sacrifices, fears and responsibilities: Analysis of the motivational structure of ecological consumption


  • Marc Barbeta Viñas UAB


According to some data sources, ecological consumption in recent years has experienced a notable increase among some sectors of society. However, quantitative data are perhaps not sufficiently adequate to determine what consumers refer to when they talk about ecological consumption (beyond the official definitions) or to understand why consumers of ecological products want this type of consumption. The aim of the present study is to answer these questions by means of a certain socio-motivational analysis and a qualitative approach with focus group and interview techniques. The objective is to set the basic motivational structure of ecological consumption, as this has the ability to reveal different motivational processes that govern the image of what ecology and consumption is. We find that insofar as ecological consumption is a significantly and emotionally overloaded symbol, it affirms that it is a particular phenomenon and in some aspects differential within the predominant forms of contemporary consumption.


ecological consumption, motivational process, qualitative analysis, brand

Author Biography

Marc Barbeta Viñas, UAB

Marc Barbeta Viñas és doctor en sociologia per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Recentment ha treballat com a investigador en el Grup d’Estudis sobre Sentiments Emocions i Societat (GESES) dirigit per la doctora María Jesús Izquierdo. Ha participat en projectes d’investigació sobre àmbits diversos com els vincles socials i els acudits, les desigualtats socials, el sexisme, i la sociologia de l’educació. Addicionalment ha treballat en l’àmbit de la sociologia del consum, concretament els processos motivacionals de consum de marques, així com les tècniques i els mètodes d’investigació qualitativa, per a l’elaboració de la seva tesi doctoral. En aquest àmbit en destaca la publicació ‘Lo que marcan las marcas: una aproximación socio-historica al consumo de marcas’, a Política y Sociedad, vol. 48, núm. 1, 2011.




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