Civic Participation as Means of Empowerment. Preventing Social Exclusion of Youth in Precarious Life Conditions in Spain
This article explores the possible effects of empowerment as a result of being involved in civic associations in people living in conditions of precariousness, focusing specifically on Spanish youth at risk of social exclusion. The article shows that, in the absence of individual economic and educational resources, the environmental stimuli provided by particular associations may prove highly relevant in order to improve the situation of this group of young people. These associations teach youth civic practices and values that help them manage precariousness and provide them with new resources to seek new life opportunities. To a certain degree, these associations manage to compensate for the lack of personal resources. We present the results of a qualitative study for which data were collected from 122 young individuals. The study identifies specific factors of vulnerability and explains how they can be dealt with. It also demonstrates that, thanks to civic engagement, the young people involved were able to develop capabilities that reduced their risk of falling into marginality and enhanced their chances of finding new life opportunities.Keywords
civic practices, risk of exclusion, contextual opportunities, empowermentReferences
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