Andalusian youth: Residential independence and/or economic self-sufficiency?
In recent years, the situation of youth in Spain has been characterized by delayed residential and economic independence as the result of longer training periods, as well as job instability and precariousness, among others. Specifically, Andalusia is one of the regions that most suffers from high levels of unemployment and job insecurity. The main aim of this article is to identify factors that influence the probability that a young person will become emancipated. To this end, we distinguish between young people who are residential and/or economically independent and determine which factors influence whether a young person is residential but not economically independent, and vice versa. The analysis is carried out using a 2017 database with a sample of 1,981 young people aged 14 to 35 years designed for the III Andalusian Integral Youth Plan. The analysis is performed using multinomial logistic regression. The results show that people near the end of the transition from youth are more likely to have formed their own home and be financially self-sufficient. However, young people who are still in training or intend to return to education, are unemployed or have no offspring or intention of having one, are more likely to display incomplete forms of independence (residential or economic) or none at all.Keywords
youth, Andalusia, Spain, emancipation, economic independence, residential independence, multinomial regressionReferences
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