Do we eat-out? Socioeconomic conditions and eating-out in Colombia, 1993-2014



This article aims to analyze the association between expenditure on eating-out and households’ socioeconomic conditions in Colombian (1993-2014). The methodology is quantitative: a descriptive analysis and linear regression models. The dependent variable is the proportion of expenditure on eating-out; and the independent variables are: at least one woman in the household, age of the head of the household, educational levels, floor material, sector and region. The data is the National Quality of Life Survey, carried out by the Colombian National Department of Statistics. The hypotheses are: (1) Eating outside the home has increased and (2) food consumption increases in urban areas, in homes with high educational levels, with high living conditions and without the presence of women in the home. The results have verified the proposed hypotheses. Analyzing the results in context, they allow to affirm the existence of diversification and differentiation in Colombian food practice, specifically in what implies eating-out. In addition, a dietary pattern of eating-out is verified and found in different latitudes, which calls for reflection, in the Sociology of Food Consumption, to continue investigating and problematizing the methodologies and theoretical and empirical approaches that we have to approach the understanding of reality through the study of food consumption.


eating-out, household budget, foodservice, socioeconomic conditions, social stratification, food diversification, Colombia


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