The symbolic gamble of alterity in the literary field. A sociological approach to the artistic trajectory of Najat El Hachmi


  • Francesco Bellinzis The UPC School of Professional & Executive Development (UPC School)


This paper analyzes the literary trajectory of the migrant writer Najat El Hachmi, included between 2004 and 2018. It observes literature as a tool of emancipation against dominant bonds: patriarchal, cultural and familial. On the one side, this paper pretends to analyze literature as a space of representation for a migrant writer, on the other side, it observes the internal roles of it. From the Bourdieu’s field theory approach, it is explored the relation of power that gives a symbolic value to this cultural product. This value is linked to the negotiation of an alterity that determines the writer’s position in the field. The literary career will be analyzed using a qualitative and interpretative methodology with biographical data, sociological analysis of novel and its reception in Spanish press and literary critics.


sociology of literature, migration, cultural diversity, multilingualism, transnationalism


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Author Biography

Francesco Bellinzis, The UPC School of Professional & Executive Development (UPC School)

Francesco Bellinzis es doctor en Sociología por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Actualmente trabaja en el departamento de Soluciones Corporativas de la UPC School. Sus intereses de investigación se encuentran en el área de la sociología de la cultura y de la literatura, la migración contemporánea y la movilidad internacional de estudiantes.




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