A Network Discourse Analysis with Mixed Methods for the interpretation of qualitative interviews



Since the early 2000s, a team of researchers from the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona has been developing Network Discourse Analysis (NDA) as a particular approach to textual data analysis that uses tools from social network analysis. NDA has materialised in different methodological proposals for qualitative analysis and recently in mixed method qualitative-quantitative designs. As a continuation of this line of inquiry, this paper proposes a new method of analysis of the narrative text from qualitative interviews, which is a new application of NDA in a mixed methods version that combines qualitative and quantitative analysis tools. In a first phase of qualitative analysis, the conceptual links that the interviewee makes in his narration are interpreted and transformed into large semantic networks of the key themes. In the second phase of analysis, the networks are examined and interpreted by combining their analysis with quantitative faction and cliques indicators typical of social network analysis, using the analytical-interpretive criteria of the researcher. The method involves analysis of the formal structure of the text, understood as a structured unit of meanings, which allows its meaning to be captured in a complete and rigorous way. The concept is illustrated by applying it to the analysis of a biographical narrative interview.


network discourse analysis, network text analysis, semantic networks, discourse analysis, social network analysis


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