Children under the protection system: subjective well-being and the centrality of their rights
Law 14/2010 of May 27 on Rights and Opportunities in Childhood and Adolescence exposes in its preamble «the recognition of the right of all minors to receive the comprehensive care necessary for the development of their personality and well-being in the family and social context». Likewise, according to its article 1, the purpose of this law is to promote the well-being of children and adolescents and the actions of prevention, care, protection and participation to guarantee the exercise of their rights, the assumption of their responsibilities and the scope of its comprehensive development. Therefore, public administration is responsible for guaranteeing the rights of children who are under the protection system. But what do these children and adolescents think about the fulfillment of these rights? And how does this affect in their subjective well-being?
This is a case study of the Vallès Occidental’s EAIA with a sequential mixed method design. This article exposes, on the one hand, the centrality of the perception of the guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents that is under the system of protection when evaluating their subjective well-being. On the other hand, it shows that there is a connecting thread in all interviews carried out: the perception of lack of guarantee of these rights. Finally, the consequent need to establish mechanisms to make children’s rights within the framework of the protection system is discussed.
childhood under the protection system, rights, subjective well-being, public toolsReferences
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