The Valencian government’s migrant return policies in the context of recovery from the Great Recession



This paper is a case study of the migrant return policies of the Generalitat of Valencia – the Valencian Return Strategy and the GenT Plan – which aims to contribute to the current theoretical debate on return migration and emigration policies. Using documentary analysis, the study analyses and compares the different elements that make up these policies, according to the analytical perspective of the theory of action proposed by Subirats (2012). The results of the study on the one hand reveal differences between the two initiatives in terms of their participatory nature, the social characteristics of the migrants being returned, the perceptions of reintegration, and how this is reflected in the proposed measures; and on the other, they demonstrate similarities in their consideration of a transnational approach in some of their assumptions and how they were delivered, as well as in the extent to which return is perceived as the end of the migration cycle.


emigration policies, return migration, reintegration, transnationalism, participation, talent, post-crisis, Valencian Community


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Author Biography

Anna Giulia Ingellis, Departamento de Sociología y Antropología Social

Doctor from the University ‘La Sapienza’ of Rome, she is full professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University of Valencia, Spain. Her main research interests are intra-community migration, gender inequality in Southern Europe, youth participation and social change.




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