Family status and educational level in the entry and continuation of Spanish women in the employment market from 1977 to 2022
This study analyses generational changes in the participation of women in the workforce, taking into consideration education and family status. Using data from the Encuesta de Población Activa [Active Population Survey], fictional employment histories of women born between 1926 and 2001 were created. Using multinomial regression models, we conduct a descriptive analysis of activity, occupation and unemployment patterns based on age, educational level and family status. The findings show that education is less important in generational changes in women’s participation in the workforce, and point to factors more closely linked to demand. This trend is more conspicuous among women aged 45 to 54 than those aged 25 to 34, for whom family situation has a more significant impact.
work trajectories, longitudinal analysis, cohort, gender perspectiveReferences
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