Being an au pair in London: Young Spanish women’s employment trajectories and strategies in regimes of gender and precariousness



The global economic crisis that began in 2008 led to major cuts to the welfare state in Spain and across Europe (Gambino, 2018), affecting key areas such as health, education, social care and youth employment. This was accompanied by drastic reductions in public spending and welfare benefits, which affected women particularly severely. Through ethnographic fieldwork with a gender and feminist perspective, this paper attempts to cast light on the trajectories of young Spanish women who emigrated to London in the ambiguous ‘au pair’ category. The figure of the au pair is interesting because it is an ad hoc, liminal, ambiguous, transient construction configured in such a way that it is ‘between’ categories, spaces and bounds, responding to the domestic care needs of English families’ offspring as part of a commodification of care brought about by a lack of regulation and resources from the state. The employment trajectories and strategies of young Spanish women are embedded in a context of precarious employment, in which young women with secondary and higher education seek financial and personal autonomy but are compelled to negotiate gender norms in order to overcome structural inequalities that increasingly devalue care work. The naturalisation of care and its attribution to women, as well as the ongoing association of women with the ‘good mother’ model, serves to reinforce gender hierarchies.


gender, instability, occupation paths, au pairs, domestic care, commodification, women, economic crisis, welfare, work


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Author Biography

Almudena Cortés, Universidad en el Departamento de Antropología Social y Psicología Social (UCM).

Doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid en 2010. Líneas de investigación: estudios migratorios, estudios sobre el desarrollo y el humanitarismo desde una perspectiva feminista y de género (migraciones latinoamericanas a Europa, migración internacional a México, población refugiada en España, migración intraeuropea).




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