From liquid migrations to rootedness: Plans to make the move permanent among recent Spanish emigrants to other European countries



Spanish emigration to the rest of Europe following the economic crisis of 2008 has been described as a fluid and transitory migration, known as liquid migration. Indeed, the starting point for this mobility for many young Spaniards was marked by processes such as independence from the family, higher education, or joining the labour market. More than a decade has passed since some of these young people left and made the transition from youth to maturity. This article analyses the reasons that have triggered the essential transition from temporary to permanent migration, an issue that has received less attention in the academic literature. The reasons for permanent migration can be summarised in three categories: employment and economic security; family reasons (having a partner and children at the destination); and non-voluntary reasons that make it impossible to return to Spain. The methodology used is qualitative, analysing 38 in-depth interviews with Spanish emigrants living in the United Kingdom and France who intend to stay there permanently.


mobility, Spanish emigration, intra-European migration, roots, integration


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Author Biographies

Belén Fernández-Suárez, Universidade da Coruña

Belén Fernández-Suárez is a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of A Coruña. She is a member of the research team on Societies in Movement (ESOMI). Her research focuses on migration policies, especially immigrant integration policies, and intra-European migration. She is currently principal investigator of the R&D&I project Retos (2020-2024): Integration and Return of the "New Spanish Emigration". (EMIGRAREIN, PID2019-105041RA-I00).

Alberto Capote Lama, Departamento de Geografía Humana

Alberto Capote Lama is Associate Professor in the Department of Human Geography at the University of Granada. His research focuses on international migration, particularly Moroccan immigration in different local contexts in Spain and France, and recent Spanish emigration. In parallel, he has carried out studies on the geography of population in Spain, focusing on depopulation and ageing. He has carried out research in Morocco (University of Casablanca Hassan II) and France (Géographie cités Paris; INED-Institute National Études Demographiques), among others. He teaches Social and Cultural Anthropology and Geography and Territorial Management.

Iria Vázquez-Silva, Departamento de Sociología

Iria Vázquez Silva holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of La Coruña and is a specialist in Gender Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is currently Professor of Sociology at the University of Vigo and Deputy Director of the Social Work Studies Group: Research and Transfer (GETS-IT). Her current research focuses on the sociology of migration and gender.




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