La segmentación laboral: hacia una tipología del ámbito productivo


  • Pedro López
  • Faustino Miguélez
  • Andreu Lope
  • Xavier Coller


The central topic of this article is the world of production, and more specifically the segmentation of the labour market, for which a typology is constructed. This typology is the basis of reference within the production environment for establishing and analysing the relations between this environment and the environment of reproduction, using the information from a social survey and therefore applying quantitative data with the corresponding methods and techniques. In addition to its value in itself, this typology is of additional interest for three reasons: first, because it involves not only indicators and variables characteristic of the business world but also other contextual data; second, because it allows the typology to be extended to non-employed persons, such as the unemployed, the inactive and housewives; and third, because it allows the types of labour segmentation to be categorised with socio-demographic variables and other variables related to lifestyles. This paper is part of a research work whose results are in this PAPERS volume. The paper is autonomous but the reading of the other papers of this volum can help to contextualize it.


labour market, segmentation, environment production, methodology, typology




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