The reduction of the working hours to thirty-five hours for week


  • Isabel Calbet
  • Sílvia Garriga
  • Xavier Lombarte


This piece of research gives a general view on the current debate about the reduction of the maximum legal working hours as a way of creating employment in Spain, and also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of public control to reduce the working week to 35 hours for week. Likewise, it analyses other alternative tools in order to improve the working time and the creation of employment, focusing on an irreegular distribuion of the working hours, a reduction on the overtime and encouraging part-time contracts. Lastly, it is an econometric study research to rate the effects of the above mentioned reduction on competitivity, inflation or creation of employment. It is undeniable that a control of other instruments is needed to achieve a global, integrated reformation.


working hours, working time, employment, overtime, part-time contracts, horary




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