From the End of the Century to the Neverending Crisis? Cuba, the Hibryd Model Dilemma: Between Social Capital and Participation, or Inequality and Political Failure


  • Hans-Jürgen Burchardt


The article tries to track down the factors which provide the political system of Cuba with the stability it still shows almost one decade after the Berlin wall-case. At the beginning the central exogenous and endogenous structure-elements of the cuban socialism are introduced. Afterwards the previous reform-course is documented. Its analysis shows, that the Cuban society is in a process of structural heterogenisation, which will erode its stability. With recourse on known theories of the political sociology of social inequality, the specific stability of the Cuban socialism is finally identified. The article closes with an outline of reform-requests, which might give Cuba a last historic chance for a civilian and social transformation of its society.


sociología política de la desigualdad social, economía cubana, estructura social, capital social y cultural, Bourdieu, Cuba.




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