Modernization and consumption in Andalusia and Catalonia (1995-2006)


  • María Dolores Martín-Lagos López Universidad de Granada


This article analyzes consumption patterns in Andalusia and Catalonia and their evolution during the period 1995 to 2006. The theory of modernization is applied to the study of consumption. Five characteristics of modernization are defined and applied to consumption and contrasted: the vision of development or progress in the society, the spread of certain objects of consumption in the population, the appearance of new necessities, greater equality regarding objects of consumption, randomness in behavior or individuation and a new type of more responsible consumer. To test the objectives and hypotheses formulated an ASEP data base was used. The level of consumption was measured by the spread of consumption across the population and the number of objects of consumption associated with technology among the population. With this new panorama greater inequality is seen in 2006 than in 1995. Social categories continue to explain consumption. The level of education and level of income are the categories that most explain the differences, although new explanatory variables emerge such as age and individual values, which confirm the postmodern thesis. The characteristics of a new consumer with post-materialist values who consumes less can be seen. This tendency is observed in groups with a higher social position in Catalonia. In Andalusia the association between social position and consumption persists.


individuation, consumption, material objects, consumerism, development, technology

Author Biography

María Dolores Martín-Lagos López, Universidad de Granada

Profesora Ayudante Doctora del Departamento de Sociología de la Universidad de Granada.




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