Institutional responses to dietary habits: An analysis of measures to combat obesity


  • Cecilia Díaz-Méndez Departamento de Sociología Universidad de Oviedo


Spain has one of the highest childhood obesity rates in Europe. In this paper we study the different ways institutions are dealing with increasing obesity rates in Europe and in Spain in particular. We discuss measures taken to promote a healthy diet in both educational and consumer contexts. The obesity epidemic has led institutions to rethink the role of diet and nutrition. Firstly, diet has become a social issue and left aside much of its biological foundations. Second, diet has begun to form part of health policy agendas, moving away from the traditional agricultural-oriented viewpoint. Thirdly, the rise in obesity has led to corresponsibility between the state and food processing industries regarding food problems.


sociology of food, food policy, food consumption.

Author Biography

Cecilia Díaz-Méndez, Departamento de Sociología Universidad de Oviedo

Profesora titular de Sociología en la Universidad de Oviedo. Directora del grupo de investigación en Sociología de la Alimentación. Sus inicios investigadores se enmarcan en la Sociología Rural, derivando en los últimos años hacia investigadores nacionales e internacionales orientadas al análisis de las transformaciones de los patrones de consumo alimentario en Europa y a los determinantes sociales del cambio alimentario.




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