The concepts of patriarchy and androcentrism in the sociological and anthropological study of Muslim majority societies


  • Araceli González Vázquez Laboratoire d´Anthropologie Sociale, Collège de France


In this article, we examine the theoretical contributions and conceptualizations of patriarchy that have exerted the largest influence on the way sociologists and anthropologists address the study of social and gender inequalities in Muslim majority societies. We also explain the concept of androcentrism and examine its potential as a conceptual and epistemological alternative to the concept of patriarchy.


anthropology, social inequality, masculine domination, Islamic countries

Author Biography

Araceli González Vázquez, Laboratoire d´Anthropologie Sociale, Collège de France

Antropóloga, investigadora postdoctoral del Gobierno Vasco en el Laboratoire d´Anthropologie Sociale del Collège de France (2011-12), y en el Área de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad del País Vasco (2013).



How to Cite

González Vázquez, A. (2013). The concepts of patriarchy and androcentrism in the sociological and anthropological study of Muslim majority societies. Papers. Revista De Sociologia, 98(3), 489–504.


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