Social innovation in early childhood care
Between inequality and equity in public policy
Social innovation is a theoretical concept that has been applied to the debate on the welfare state at local level, because of its capacity to identify community initiatives with the potential to generate best practices for innovation in public policy. Despite its acknowledged innovative potential, many authors have taken a critical view of these ideas. Participation in social innovation is mostly found among middle-class individuals who are already involved in community and participatory activities. Thanks to their capacity to express their demands and suggestions, the attention they generate in the municipal sphere within local government could be considered to be a competitor to the allocation of public resources to the most vulnerable and excluded social strata of the population.
This article aims to contribute to the debate on the complex relationship between social innovation and equity, in terms of early childhood care (from 0 to 3 years old). Focusing on the case of Barcelona, it addresses the following questions: to what extent and why does access to social innovation in the care of the under-threes show socio-economic bias? How does the public’s understanding of social innovation in early childhood care differ from that of local government’s? What is the potential and what are the limitations of local public
policy to make social innovation and equity compatible?
social innovation, public policy, early childhood education and care, social policiesReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Raquel Gallego Calderón, Lara Maestripieri
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